Saturday, June 9, 2012

Head End

I'm not reading into anything anymore.  I'll just take the words as what they mean on the surface from now on.  So if there is anything deep you wanna tell me, you'll just have to spell it out.  I can easily allow myself to be sucked into the words on the page, especially when the writer is someone I feel deeply for.  But I'm beginning to work passed my feelings and soon I won't even have to remember not to read into the things you’re writing.  It just won't happen anymore.  It will be a lonely and less interesting world when that becomes my reality ... losing that connection, but I suppose it has to happen eventually.  Then you will officially become just one of my friends (a top friend, of course, as I've shared nearly everything with you and trust you no end), but only a friend and I will have no love in my life, save for my little ones, and that’s just not the same.  I feel it already and I hate to say this, but what could happen is I will not share so much anymore.  I'll pull back into myself.  The way I was over the summer, before we reconnected.  It's just me, I guess.  And I suppose this is something I have to take care of on my own.  I really shouldn't drag someone else along for the ride, even if they are willing to go.  It's not fair to them.  And for me ... well, I'd read all kinds of things into that kind of sacrifice.  So, I must be careful.  As I begin to see only the surface in what you write, you'll see my answers get more and more shallow.  I suppose that will be the switch from my heart to my head.  I have to say, I am not looking forward to it.

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