Saturday, June 9, 2012

He Said / She Said

He Said / She Said

I have lost touch, with you and many other things.
I am always here and just a phone call and 20 minutes away;)
I am ... sigh ... depressed.
I'm funny and that tends to lessen depression ... not a cure, but a break.
Yes, I know - poor me.
Yes, poor you; everyone is entitled to a pity party now and then (this I know).
I am just struggling with many things right now.
You don't need to struggle alone ...
I am tired of being tired.
I know, and I can't imagine how you struggle with that:(
I am sleepy but can't sleep.
This I know too ...
My classes are going well, but that means what exactly?
Your classroom success means, with all your struggling and sleeplessness, you are functioning (it's not a lot, but many wouldn't be able to function and you should take a little pride in that, you are a strong person ... more resilient than you believe yourself to be).
I can't write anymore (I can, but I don't).
Let's write something together ... I can push you off that ledge;)
This will all pass, I know, for better or worse.
It will and I am here whether you want me or not.

I used to be a certain way.
I know you used to, but I only know who you are now and I like that person very much.
I used to have energy.
This I understand ... can't remember the last time I woke ready to tackle the day.
I guess too much time spent with vampires takes a toll.
Vampires suck (I had to ... sorry).
I I I blah blah
U U U ... if you don't think about yourself and your own well being, who will?
Thanks for letting me vent.
You're welcome

How have you been? I am sorry I have neglected you. I know you enough to know that you understand.
I'm okay ... oddly, I've been writing again, so that's nice.  I don't feel neglected, though I do wish you'd let me be there for you a bit more.  What's better than a mushy hug and a cup of Starbucks when you feel crappy?

The snow day threw me off a bit. It threw my students way off. Funny how one day will do that.
Yeah, they're so easily unsettled it seems.  You'll get back on track.
It is 11:30 and I have to figure out what I am doing in the morning.
8am is tough.
I'm home until 2:30 today, if you need to talk.  My Saturday class starts at 9am and I struggle with that first hour, can't imagine an 8am class.  It's an icky thought and I shall not entertain it.  
W/B whenever you can!
I miss ya, sweetie ... let's get together soon, okay?

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