Monday, July 28, 2008

Write as Rain

The torrential rain. The slight, low-lying fog. The lack of streetlights. No cars on the road. Nothing to guide me but white lines and headlights. I don’t have to go that slow, but I do need to drive with caution as I can only see about fifteen feet in front of me and the road I’m on curves. I attempt to brighten the road ahead, but the low-lying fog, invisible in my headlights’ normal brightness, reflects the added light back making it so I can see even less of the road ahead. Lightning crashes and gives me a glimpse of the road beyond, but only for a fleeting moment then the darkness returns and I’m back to my fifteen feet. Much as in writing. I can see a little ways ahead. Next paragraph, next page, or even the next chapter, but it’s mostly dark and it’s not all that far. Once in a while lightning will strike and I will get a glimpse of where I’m going and I either get excited or nervous. Doesn’t matter which one, both make me write more. The darkness comes back and I’m forced to slow down, but the rain smells good and I like the sound, so I’m happy to wait for the lightning.